Chiara Zandonà - ‘137’


“In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had their abode in the planets...Even people who would never have thought that a religious problem could be a serious matter that concerned them personally are beginning to ask themselves fundamental questions. Under these circumstances it would not be at all surprising if those sections of the community who ask themselves nothing were visited by ‘visions,’ by a widespread myth seriously believed in by some and rejected as absurd by others”.

C.G. Jung, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky

Digital culture can be defined as a form of projection - creating fantasy through characteristics of indeterminacy and reproducibility. In this scenario, the possibilities appear endless and the attention seems to look at the sky and the universe, towards the infinite. The image loses its native connotations to assume completely new features, losing forever its value as a meaning of reality; it becomes representative of infinite realities and truths. It could be considered as a layer of omnipresent information that continually combines and recombines new surfaces, figures, texts, glitches and numbers.

137 is set upon the uncertain state of the image as a nebula in constant transformation. Reflecting on the concept of the ‘sinister’, something strange and foreboding, I turned the camera towards myself. Sinister is a concept that changes, transforms thoughts, patterns and models. The unidentified objects are scans of my moles directly recovered from my dermatologist archive, where they have been catalogued in a folder numbered 137.



Maria Ahmed - ‘Soft Knowledge’


Alice Poole - ‘Sunbeam’