Jack Marber Worsley - 3AM 2

My 3AM shoots are a response feeling trapped. The pursuit and reward of roaming at night to create the 3AM series frees me of an isolated feeling. In contrast, although motivated by negativity, expressed visually is the high of exploring off the grid, reconnecting with nature and a rush from possible danger.

While the last instalment of the project was still and tamed in nature, 3AM 2 is intensified and larger in scale. Location lighting is used throughout the project, painting light within the frame, creating ethereal yet ominous scenes. Nature is used through the project as an emotive language, communicating coded personal experiences, voicing the unspoken. Intentionally vacant of people, the images are catalysts for imagination.   

3AM 2 is structured into 6 different chapters, each section containing a new style and location.



Sabine Schober - Untitled, 2022


Georgina MacMillan - ‘Evening Colours’